Feeling Alone and Isolated? We Are Here To Help…
When a significant person in our life dies, we are often catapulted into a world of confusion and unbelievable emotional pain. Everything can change: relationships, health, daily routine, finances, living arrangements, socialization, and our very self. The Bereavement Network Resources offers supportive resources to help you process the feelings that come with grief.
Receive Support At These Events
We do our best to compile a list of workshops, conferences, meetings and other events to aid in navigating grief. You can find a full list of local events on our calendar.
Recurring Support Groups
Most of the events on our calendar are workshops or special events created by organizations that provide grief support. If you are interested in recurring support groups, some options can be found by clicking below:
Snowline Health Grief Groups
You can view all of the grief offerings for this month HERE
For any additional questions, please feel free to contact [email protected] or call 530-621-7820 or 916-817-2338.
Widowed Persons Association of California, Sacramento Chapter Grief Groups
Sunday Support Meetings in the WPAC Meeting Room every Sunday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Doors open at 2:30 pm. We ask that you arrive a few minutes early to avoid disturbing participants once sessions begin.
Every Sunday from 3:00pm – 5:00pm:
WPAC Meeting Room
2628 El Camino Avenue, Sacramento CA
Just east of Fulton Avenue. Enter the parking lot at 2628 (a single story office complex) and drive to the rear of the building. The Widowed Persons office is located at Suite D-18. For more information contact (916) 972-9722 or email [email protected]
Hear To Heal – A Support Group For Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones To Opioids and Fentanyl
Support Groups are held the first Tuesday of every month from 6:00-7:00pm, often virtually. Click HERE to register for the next meeting and to sign up for their mailing list to be notified of future meetings and events.
Sacramento SPCA Pet Loss Support Group
Sacramento SPCA Pet Loss Support Group offers a safe, compassionate, empathetic space to share grief reactions, discuss coping skills, and honor the lives of your beloved friend and family member. The group takes place virtually on Zoom the first Tuesday of every month unless otherwise noted. Visit their website for more information.

“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
– John Steinbeck